Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm off to London!!!

The first part of our international travel experiences begins tomorrow at 11am as we travel to London England for an 7-8 day trip. We will spend time doing three things. First we will look at famous sites like Westiminster Abbey, the British Museum and samuel Johnson's house. For Sunday we will worship at two different churches in the morning and have worship at night at Holy Trinity Brompton.

Although there are many churches in London, there are not many churchgoers. They estimate only 5% of people go to church. HOly Trinity Brompton is an anglican church that has developed a program called Alpha to introduce non-Christians to the Christian faith. It has been used throughout the world in many churches. We will have time with the leaders of this church and movement. Their names are Sandy Millar and Nicky Gumbel. We will also go see some John Wesley sites in London, spend a day at Oxford, and have a free day the last day to catch any sites we missed. We will also catch the play "WIcked", which I'm told is like a prequel to The WIzard of OZ.

As you can see it will be packed but I'm expecting educational and lots of fun. Kate and the kids will be going to Tennessee for about half the time. THey have fall break and will catch up with her family and some friends. I will not be writing for over a week but check back and I will have some pictures and commentary.


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