Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I got home from Tennessee late Sunday night and was groggy all yesterday. Today I'm beginning to get my wits about me. I will comment about our thanksgiving in the next post (when i have a few pictures to add). Today I would like to comment on a presentation I had yesterday from george hunter.
George Hunter is one of the top Church Growth Guys in the country and teaches here at ATS. His speciality is church growth and evangelism. He got his start in 1962 when he ministered to the crowd at Muscle Beach. He lifted weights and built relationships to share the gospel.
During his presentation he shared a few insights which I want to share with you. He said in America there are 180 Million people who are not Christian. This makes America the third or fourth most populous mission field in the world. Over a third of those folks (180 Milliion) have no Christian memory to speak of. Another third attend church once in a while. The other third consider themselves a particular denomination of preference but attend no church.
Peter Drucker, management guru of the 20th century, said there are two questions every organization must ask itself. 1) What is our main business? 2) How’s business? Some possible answers for the church are below:
1) Provide worship and pastoral care - Many churches view their main job to pastor the people they have and provide worhsip services. They answer their business question by how well they are doing that.
2) Perpetuate our Tradition - Some churches are concerned that they keep their denominational heritage going. This includes music, worship style, theology and the like.
3) Support the Institution - Some churches believe their job is to support the mother chruch, the denomination fulfill its goals. They give their time and money to make sure the institution lives on.
4) Work for the kind of world God wants - Churches do this in many ways. SOme see their church as a social service agency. Others try to gain political influence and legislate morality.
5) Reach and Disciple pre-christian peoples - This is the biblical view of the local church. They don't depend on their denomination to do the work. They see their local church as the center of disciplemaking. They try to reach out to folks, win them to faith, disciple them and grow in Christ and cause them to reach out in love to their neighbors. These also tend to be the growing churches.
We also talked about what is the gospel. Perhaps the reason many churches are plateaued or declining is because we are preaching the wrong gospel. He made the following comment (as best as I can remember it), "What we expect is for people to attend church, attend Sunday School, go to programs the church offers, and serve on committees. That kind of Christianity won’t change the world." Wow.
The kind of Christianity that changes the world is a community made up of individuals who are pursuing Christ, who see themselves as the people of God, who pray for God's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven, who see their lives as ministry to a lost and hurting world. It is the kind of Christianity that is more concerned about what happens during the week than what happens between 11am - 12pm on Sunday morning. May we become that type of community! May God make me into that kind of pastoral leader with a vision to impact a community rather than the community impacting the church.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Currently I am taking an Advanced Church Leadership Class with Dale Galloway this week. We have been dealing with issues such as vision, vision casting, staffing, developing leadership, transitioning leaders, small groups, etc.
The final project for this class is developing a twenty (ish) page paper on what your dream church would look like. This has been helpful project for me to think through, if I was starting a church from scratch, what would it be about, its vision and core values. Below is my working copy of my dream church. Feel free to give me feedback (make comments below) on what you think:
Dream Church
As I read the scriptures, one of the most important teachings Jesus taught about was what we call the Greatest Commandment. He summarized what God expects for us to do which is, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the law and the prophets hand on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40) In other words God wants us to love God and love people.
The summary of Jesus teaching ministry could be Mark 1:15, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the Good News!” The Kingdom of God is Jesus central teaching. Everywhere Jesus went he went preaching and demonstrating the Kingdom (Matt 4:23, 9:35). He taught that when you make the Kingdom your primary focus, God provides for your material needs (Matt 6:33). He sent out the disciples to preaching the kingdom of God and to heal the sick (Luke 9:2). After he rose from the dead, he spent 40 days with his disciples teaching them about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3).
The kingdom was central in the thinking of the early church. Phillip and Paul preached persuasively about the kingdom (Acts 8:12; 19:8). The book of Acts ends with Paul preaching about the kingdom of God from his home (Acts 28:23, 31). Jesus taught that this kingdom would start out small like a mustard seed but becomes a huge tree (Matt 13:31-32). Therefore, it is essential that the mission of the church be connected to the kingdom of God.
A final piece central to the heart of God and his vision for the church is to be a servant. The great hymn from Philippians 2 states about Jesus, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.” That scripture tells us that the very nature of God is a servant. He is not like a servant. His very nature is self sacrificial love in order to bless us. Jesus put it this way, “whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:26-28)”. Following Jesus means downward mobility. If we are to be like Jesus, we are to be a servant.
Therefore I see the mission of the church is the following:
We exist to love God, to love people,
and to extend God’s kingdom by serving the world!
This mission statement is not only what the church should do and be, it is also the process by which we make disciples. In their book Simple Church Rainer and Geiger have found that simple churches have a clear process of making disciples. One church in particular said, “Our purpose is our process.”[1] By making the mission statement the process, it becomes integrated into the life of church. That is the aim with this mission statement; that it is more than something you have on your printed materials, it becomes internalized in everyday life.
It needs to be said at the outset that there is nothing entirely new about these concepts and thoughts. There should not be. My vision is to pastor a New Testament biblical church and these core values flesh out the process of being a New Testament follower of Jesus. While much more could be said about each of these values, I believe this is simple enough to take a person off the street and explain Christianity to them and what is important to this church.
1. The Bible is our primary authority for life.
Divine truth is a central claim of the Christian Community. If there is no such thing as truth, none of the rest of what is said matters. Some believe since the Bible was written by humans, it must therefore be fallible. 2 Peter 1:20-21 says, “Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” God did not dictate the Bible but instead inspired it. Paul writes in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “All scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” God inspired each book of the Bible and the formation of the canon. It is God’s love story for humanity. It is living and active (Heb 4:12) and speaks to us in powerful ways today. While church tradition, reason, and experience are helpful for us in working through theological issues, Scripture is our primary authority for life and we submit ourselves to it.
2. God desires every person to become a disciple of Jesus Christ by faith.
Because the scriptures are God’s Word to us, we can trust them. The story of the scriptures is this. Genesis tells us that God created men and women in his image and breathed his life into them. They chose to disobey God and go their own way. As a result sin entered the world. Death was the consequence of sin. Ever since death entered the world, people have been separated from God. God chose to intervene in our situation. Because no one could live a perfect life, God sent his son Jesus Christ, who was fully God and fully human, to live that perfect life for us. He was the Word made flesh (John 1:14) and made his home among us. He taught us how to truly live (John 10:10; Matt 5-7) through his teaching. He willing offered himself as a substitute for our sins (I Peter 3:18), so that we might be given life in his name. He rose from the dead on the third day, just as he had said, to prove his claims that he was God and that life itself. He instructed his followers to go make disciples, not of their own but of Jesus. He desires all people to be saved and to come to faith in him (John 20:31; I Timothy 2:4). We become his disciple when we confess our sins (I John 1:9), believe that he is the son of God (John 1:12-13; Romans 10:9-10) and commit to follow him with our lives. When we do that we are born anew (John 3:5; 2 Cor 5:17), the Holy Spirit comes to live in us (Col 1:27; 2 Tim 1:14; Titus 3:5) and enables us to follow Christ and be his disciple (Rom 6:11; 8:9-11). The goal of this church is for all to become disciples of Christ by giving their lives to him by faith.
3. God desires that we become mature and to live our whole life as worship.
Unlike my own initial understanding of Christianity, you are not done once you are saved. Many churches have an understanding of the gospel that once you give your life to Jesus, you are saved and the only real goal is to hang on till Jesus comes back or you die so you can go to heaven. This is not a biblical understanding of the kingdom of God. Conversion is just the beginning in your walk with Jesus. We are called to maturity in Christ.
The Living Bible says, “Our greatest wish and prayer is that you will become mature Christians (2 Cor. 13:9).” Paul said he worked so hard to present everyone perfect in Christ (Col 1:28-29) and to continue to live in him (Col 2:6-7). He also said that we use our gifts to build up the body of Christ so we are mature, “attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4:11-15).” The spiritual word for this is sanctification, the process of becoming like Christ. This is God’s desire and expectation for all who call themselves followers of Christ.
4. Life happens best in community
You and I were not meant to live life on our own; we were meant to be in community. Community is not just a buzzword that has developed over recent years. It comes from the heart of God. Before time or the world began, God lived in community; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The reality of the trinity means that we were created for relationships; with God and with one another.
5. Every believer is equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve
When we are saved, it is not only for our own good, it is for a purpose. Ephesians 2:8-10 expresses this truth the best. Paul reminds us that we are saved by faith and not by works. After that exposition on salvation he writes, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” That word “for” in Ephesians 2:10 is important, for it indicates why we have been saved. That means God has prepared things for individuals and his church to do and be about.
6. God commands his followers to influence the world for Christ.
Once God has extended his incredible grace to us, it is to overflow out of our lives to influence the world. We are to be so pumped up by what God has done in Christ that we can’t help but influence the world. Sir Walter Moberly, a non-Christian, in his book The Crisis in the University, identifies why evangelicals have failed to reach university campuses with the Gospel. He says, “If one-tenth of what you believe is true, you ought to be ten times as excited as you are.”[3] This stinging comment rings true to my own experience. While certainly God commands us to make disciples in the Great Commission (Matt 28:18-20), it should not be just a requirement but a natural outpouring of the joy flowing from our hearts.
Church Structure
Thus far I have outlined the vision and core values of the church. If a mature disciple of Christ is a person who loves God, loves people, and extends God’s kingdom by serving the world, how do we structure the church to accomplish that vision? Another way to put it is this, what is the process by which lives are changed? If the church is not structured according to the vision, the process will produce a different result from the one desired.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

ATS had a fall harvest party before thanksgiving. THey had so much to do. THe kids bobbed for apples, had their faces painted, watched a pie eating contest, and even square danced a little.
They had a sack race for kids and adults. I lost the adult race (very badly I might add) but Aiden tried and won on his second chance.
Aiden told the MC that since he won he was going to Disneyland.
Anna wanted to get in the act too. This is one of our many attempts to get a Christmas picture of the family. While it is satisifying to have, it takes so much work to get it. It's impossible to get everyone to smile at the same time.
Anna's preschool had a special party with her preschool class for Halloween. She wore a crown and a cape for the party. They had cupcakes and had a special time together.
Haley is in Anna's class with John David. They are Beeson kids who Anna likes to play with.
John David loves baseball and is really good. He dresed in a Cincinatti Reds baseball uniform.
That Night before trick or treating, our Beeson group got together to have a shindig. We dressed up (adults included). Here is Jim dressed up like our Anthropology professor Mike. Yes, that is a dress he was wearing.
Kate dressed up how she feels sometimes at this stage of life.
Maggie is dressed in a Komono dress and Pierson is a red Hot Chili Pepper!
Johnthan and Rebecca got way into the act too.
Nolan and Susanna like to play doctor together.
Max loves being a Bionicle and has been waiting a month to wear his costume.
Aiden was dresssed up like a monk and the kids had a blast and got a load of candy. We literally collected pounds of candy for each kid. It is a very dangerous thing in our house. I did dress up as a cowboy but unfortunately did not take a picture of myself.
One More Thing ...
Kent Reynolds, one of the Beeson pastors, is from Athens Georgia. He had an extra ticket for the Kentucky Vs. Georgia game in Lexington. Kentucky won which was the first time in eight years. The guy in front of me, in his mid-forties, got drunk, wild, and openly kissing his wife regularly. I wish I got a picture of him for the blog.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
By now many of you have read and heard about former pastor Ted Haggard, pastor of New Life church in Colorado. He was also president of the National Association of Evangelicals. He was a big wig in the contemporary Christianity movement and in politics.
When news first broke I was genuinely sorry for him, the church at large, and for his family. In my conference where I serve I am told that two pastors had to step down because of sexual impropriety over the past four months. Sexual misconduct is a huge problem that effects large and small church pastors. It breaks my heart and the heart of God. I think many in our country feel glad when one goes down, such as Haggard. Sometimes I beleive secretly other ministers are glad in their hearts when this happens, if they are honest. Euguene Peterson in his book Under the Unpredictable Plant says that we should all feel less as human beings when this happens, especially us in the ministerial profession. It is tragic and we have no idea how incidents like this effect the trust of the Christian and Non-Christian worlds. People are so cynical already and this just feeds the fire.
I was talking with some of my fellow pastors about lessons learned from this situation. One, who will go nameless, said the lesson learned is don't buy meth from a gay prostitute at a Denver hotel when you are getting a massage! The greater lesson is that each one of us needs to have people in our lives we can be real with and share what we are thinking in our minds. Sin begins in the mind. I bet Haggard had no place to share these feelings. If we each had our dirtiest laundry spread out on TV none of us would be proud. We need to have at least one person whom we can trust to share what is going on. We need to have permission in those relationships to speak truth to each other and hold each other accountable to the things we hold most dear.
When I was in seminary, I was part of a small group of six guys and one leader. During the life cycle of the group, one of those people got divorced and left seminary. He never addressed it with the group. Another one a few months later had marital problems but was afraid to share them in the group. He later got divorced. Since I graduated, another one has gotten divorced because his wife had an affair. The point is is that we need more than a group, we need people in our lives whom we can be real with. I doubt Haggard had those kind of relationships? Do you?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
A captivating title isn't it. One of the requirements for preaching is to familiarize ourselves with great literature. We could choose books like East of Eden and the like but I chose this book because of the title. I have heard lots about hell from preaching over the years but wanted to see how this writer would describe it. Charles Williams was one of the "Inklings", a group that included CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien. Through the lives of several people, Williams shows how Hell is much more than a place but a reality of life.

What is the gospel in America? I believe the gospel in america is about what the minimal entrance requirements are to get to heaven. For most it means saying a prayer and giving your life to Jesus. This is the beginning of a life with God. The rest of the gospel is hanging on, getting through life so that when you die you will go to heaven. We forget in John 17:3 Jesus said that eternal life is knowing God and me and is a present reality. Heaven, eternal life begins now on earth. That means that we as Christians can be living in the life or not. Living in heaven or in hell. This book's strength is showing how people's thoughts can lead them to hell in their own mind. This happened when they focused on their own needs and desires. They were so filled with themselves that there was no room for God.
May that not be said of us! Lord, in your mercy, deliver us from ourselves.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Thursday, November 02, 2006
After our first two days of surveying London and seeing how secular that culture is, it prepared us for how would you minister in such a place like this, where only 5% of people go to church. 8 Million People live in London.
We went to three churches on Sunday. THe first was a place called Glory House. It was an african penecostal church. London is one of the most diverse cities I have ever been two, includding Tornoto. The church worship was inspiring. It was a prosperity gospel church. The caption below (it was taken at Harrod's department store) could sum up the theological framework of the church. The sermon illustration the preacher gave was that you have to see things into reality. He gave the example of wanting someone's tie and claiming that for himself. While I think God is more concerned about things other than having certain kind of ties, I celebrate the work they are doing in that community.
Our Next church was St. Paul's Chadwell. Pictures of it can be seen on my fellow Beeson Pastor's blog which is www.aaronwymer.blogspot.com. This church had gone downhill and was down to about a dozen people. The main church I will talk about in a minute (Holy Trinity Brompton, also known as HTB). They had 100 people commit to being a part of this church plant from the mother church, as well as providing resources and a pastor and curate (associate pastor). These folks moved into this community (not the best place to move) to build relationships with them. The church has about 200-250 in attendance now and is a vital christian church. It would remind you of many of the contemporary churches that are like in the states. Interestingly the children were encouraged to go to the Crypt, which is the basement of the church where they have their childrens ministry. I find that if we did that in the states, people would freak out!
The Sunday night service and the primary reason we came to London was to go to Holy Trinity Brompton Church. This church is in a nice part of the city and had a respectable congregation of about 175 folks in the 1970's. During that time Sandy Millar was the sr. Pastor (seen below). He had a speaker by the name of John Wimber come to speak at the church one Monday evening. John is famous for what is known as the charistmatic movement which beleives the Spirit operates today and they often practice speaking in tongues, pray for healing, and have Words from the Lord. WHile he shared with this group, God began to move and people were healed. John felt like he should pray for someone who wants to have a baby but can't. THere were only 5-6 women present and John didn't know in London that you don't talk about that. After some time a lady stood and said, "You are talking about me!" They prayed for her and 9 months later gave birth to a child. They had a total of four and Sandy wondered if they would ever stop.
Over time the church transitioned to become more focused. They stopped paying their choir to worship God. They changed the music in the service. Primarily what this church is known for is Alpha. alpha was a program run by the church designed to instruct new believers. WHen Nicky Gumbel became the associate at that church, he saw the potential for it in reaching non-Christians. It flourished under his leadership and many came to Christ. At least three times a year they have alpha courses. The one we attended on Wednesday night at about500-600 in attendance. This has many if not most who are not Christians but whose Christian friends bring to the program to answer their questions. You can find more information out about it at www.alpha.org. They are all over the world. I encourage you to check out the website and get in one if you are able.
These pictures are from their Sunday evening worship service. About 900-1000 were there that night for the 5pm service. They have four services on Sundays. You have to get there early to get a seat and you can really feel God there.
On Monday we attended a Practical Theology course led By Graham Tomlin. This was an in depth course on the history of Chrsitainity and its relation to real life. Many of these people are seminary students for whom this class is part of their theological training. It was also attended by many lay people who want more theological depth.
My personal highlight from my trip was our meeting with Sandy Millar that afternoon. Sandy left the church about 2 years ago after 20+ and is now a bishop of CHurch planting in the church of England. He is a man raditating with God's love and has a contagious smile. He told us about the story how HTB came to be what it is today.
He talked at length with us about speaking in tongues and praying for people to be healed. He shared with me something I never thought of before. He said that Jesus sent out the disciples to do three things: preach, teaching, and healing (Matthew 4, or Luke 9). In Matthew 28 he told the disciples to make disciples and to teach them to obey everything that he had commanded them. So when we pray healing for people, we do it not because of the results, but because of obedience. He put it this way. God wants me to share my faith with people but I can't convert them, only he can. I am not responsible for the results. THe spirit has to work. So it is with praying for healing. I pray for healing for folks because God wants me to, and I don't have to be responsible for the results. While I certainly want to be careful, I don't want to stand in the way of God working. THey have seen lots of people healed. I could tell a couple stories but will do so later.
We had a prayer time with people praying for us individually. The person who prayed with me was named Rick. Rick was in charge of the church we had visited that morning, St. Paul Chadwells. When he prayed for me, he sensed God had something to say to me. It hit me right on. Even though I did not know this guy, he sensed God was saying don't worry about where you will serve him after this program. My focus was just to be obedient and Jesus would take care at placing me at the right church. This thought had been on my mind for some time and I would like to control where I go. But after this prayer I felt at peace. I felt like God was controling me and I didn't have to worry about it. I will still pray about where I will go (i encourage you to pray about it) but ultimately it is in his hands.
A Few final picturs of London I want you to see. This pub is in Oxford. It is where the Inklings group got together. They consisted of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien (Lord of The Rings Fame). Here they would eat, talk, and drink beer together. I only did two of the three there.
This is the Lecture Hall where divinity students would be given oral exams. These exams would last for 3 hours or up to 3 days. This dates back to the 1500's. Amazing!
This funny gargoyle was in front of a building by Christopher Wren. There were 12 of these and this gives you a taste of their comic nature.
This is all I plan on blogging about London. There is more but I must address other things. Feel free to comment to me your questions.