Sunday, November 05, 2006

Descent Into Hell

A captivating title isn't it. One of the requirements for preaching is to familiarize ourselves with great literature. We could choose books like East of Eden and the like but I chose this book because of the title. I have heard lots about hell from preaching over the years but wanted to see how this writer would describe it. Charles Williams was one of the "Inklings", a group that included CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien. Through the lives of several people, Williams shows how Hell is much more than a place but a reality of life.

What is the gospel in America? I believe the gospel in america is about what the minimal entrance requirements are to get to heaven. For most it means saying a prayer and giving your life to Jesus. This is the beginning of a life with God. The rest of the gospel is hanging on, getting through life so that when you die you will go to heaven. We forget in John 17:3 Jesus said that eternal life is knowing God and me and is a present reality. Heaven, eternal life begins now on earth. That means that we as Christians can be living in the life or not. Living in heaven or in hell. This book's strength is showing how people's thoughts can lead them to hell in their own mind. This happened when they focused on their own needs and desires. They were so filled with themselves that there was no room for God.
May that not be said of us! Lord, in your mercy, deliver us from ourselves.

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