Friday, December 08, 2006

An Inconvienient Truth

Last night, I went to the video store to check out a movie. I saw this movie on the shelf and decided to pick it up. I don't know how familiar you are with it, but basically it is a presentation by Al Gore on global warming. SInce he lost the election in 2000, he has made it his life mission to make people aware of global warming around the world and especially in the USA.

For me, I am open minded and wanted to see what scientists say about the problem. If what 10% of what they say is true (and I believe it is), then we had better wake up. It is dangerous to think of what could happen to the world if we continue in our current patterns. The biggest impact on me was the question, "What will people 50 years from now say about us?" I thought about 70 years ago with Hitler and how many countries and specifically Christians gave into Hitler's ideology. They didn't stand up to the genocide that was happening and history remembers them. How will history remember us? What will be the issue we will be remembered for?

This movie made me remember that our mission of the church is not only to save souls, but to make a difference in the world, to be the kingdom of God in this current kingdom of the world. While I beleive ministers should intentionally stay out of politics for the most part, it is impossible not to speak out on issues that are morally wrong. We have a right to communicate our views but not to try to use politics to achieve our goals in the Christian arena. That is bad for both the state and the church. If you don't beleive me, look at England. They married the church and the state and as a result, both were comprimized and now England is a secular nation with 5% coming to church.

I encourage you to watch the movie and make up your own minds.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Scott.