Friday, September 08, 2006

Happy One Month Birthday Pierson!!!

Yesterday some of the kids from the neighborhood sang to Pierson. This picture is of Beth Broderson. Beth is the one who delievered Pierson. Beth was a most positive person who always had a smile on her face. Beth had been very sick. She had ovarian cancer that came back and took over her body. She tried chemo and other therapy but nothing helped. When she delivered Pierson a month ago, she told us that one kidney had shut down and another was on the verge of shutting down. She was in hospice care.

I asked her why she kept working when she was so sick. She told me she did it because she was a Christian and knew she would be in heaven when she died. She felt her calling in life was to deliver babies and she felt so alive when she did so. She wanted to deliver as many babies as she could until she died. She delivered over 800 babies in her short life of 36 years old. Beth was so special to Kate. She delivered Maggie 6 years ago and would have delivered Anna if we didn't move to TN when she was 9 months pregnant. It was such a blessing and so special to have her deliver Pierson!! I thank God for this amazing woman and her ministry to my family.

This picture was taken Wednesday August 22nd at Kate's follow up appointment. The next day Beth delivered her last baby and 12 hours later went into a coma. She died 24 hours later on Friday. Her funeral was packed and it was neat to see young moms and many babies. She was a selfless lady who impacted many lives, including our family.

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