Sunday, July 15, 2007

Life In Morristown

We close on our house tomorrow (can't wait). It is tough (and expensive) to live a nomadic life. It has been two months since I have not had my stuff in a suitcase. We plan on doing work on the house over the next three weeks and hope to move in the first weekend of August. Here is the kids making a fort on our bed.

Morristown has a great wet park at Fred Miller Park. It was set up by the Rotary. It is entirely free and our kids had a blast. I had never seen one before and it is a great thing to cool off a bit and not drop $20 for a family.

Last week at Church we the band "Overflow" lead us in worship. They performed the night before at the local park. They are a good band with thought proking lyrics. I was impressed how they got the crowd into the concert on Sat. Night. Max took this picture.

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