Sunday, July 22, 2007

This Week

This past week has been a full one, except for blogging. We bought our house on Monday and have been working ever since. There was lots of wallpaper in the house and we spend at least two days on the downstairs so we can paint. Here are the kids with the one big strip we got.

Unfortunately, that was the only strip like that. Friday and Saturday were all about painting and ripping up carpet for the entire house. We still have at least six rooms to paint but it has come a long way. We'll have some more pictures later. We've been eating on the floor and making due.

Friday I head down with several with our church for a Visioning Retreat at Frazer Memorial UMC in Montgomery. I am looking forward to the teaching but most of all the fellowship and getting to know the persons in the church better.

I will blog more later. Just finished 3 worship services and they each were good. I need food.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Thanks for the update, Scott. I'll call you this week. I promise! I'm looking forward to getting together sometime.
