Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm Ordained

Monday night was my ordination service seven years in the making! It really could not have been a nicer night; not to hot, inspiring, and special. I didn't get too good pictures. I did sit in the front row and grabbed a couple with my camara phone. Bishop Hayes from the Oklahoma conferenced preached on "Carrying a small stick". He shared from his own experience that you never have the resources you need to do God's work and you have to depend on him, that's the way he wants it. It was excellent. Dr. Kalas would have been pleased.
There were 21 ordinands ordained, many of whom I have known for years. I felt a lot like a graduation service going across the stage.

What made it special was the relationships. Kate got to go across the stage with me. John Brewster and Cynthia Thompson were my sponsors and laid hands on me. They led my monthly meetings with other ordinands from my district. Fred Dearing, the one who helped me get through this year was there and prayed for me too. Aaron Wymer, Fellow BP, came down and was there. Aaron, your presence there was appreciated more than you will know. Dean and Nancy, my inlaws were there and helped us with the kids. Kate's aunt Marion came down to help with the kids and help prepare some snacks to share with folks after the service at the house. Thanks Marion. You always provide love in tangible service. It was also special because the Morristown Choir sang at the service. They were excellent. Normally when it is your turn to be prayed for by the bishop, anyone who is a friend can stand up. Since I am going to Morristown, I am told the whole choir stood up for me. What an honor. Thanks, Choir. All in all it was a special night.

Do I feel any different? No, not really. I feel like this is the completion of something I began years ago and to which God wants me to do. I do pray for a greater anointing of God on my life and a increased passion for him. I still have a ways to go but am thankful for how God has worked in my life up to this point.

We head back friday to look again at houses. We thought we found one but they again wanted a little to much than what it was worth. We have a couple more options. I am installed with the rest of the staff on Sunday at the church and start a week from Wednesday. Now is when the rubber meets the road. I must say I am not that nervous but looking forward to what God is going to do.

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