Saturday, May 26, 2007

One More Thing I Learned in the Beeson Program

I had been meaning to write this for a while but didn't take the opportunity. So much of church ministry is helping people grow in their faith and/or attracting them to programs which help them to do that. In fact, much energy and money is expended to encourage people and entice folks to come on Sunday morning.

Through my readings this year, I learned that while this is important, it is not the end goal. The end goal is not just to get people to go to church but to be the church. I am not saying don't go to church. I believe folks who call themselves Christians who do not actively participate in a local body of Christ are missing out and other people miss out as well, for we are called to sharpen each other in faith. But I also believe that sometimes churches folks so much time and resources on 1-2 hours a week that they forget what happens during the week. I like how Neil Cole said it, "I want to lower the bar on how we do church, and raise the bar on what it means to be a disciple." I think that is true.

This year has given me a unique opportunity to visit churches of all kinds. That has been great to see how different people worship. But going forward I believe it is important not just to attract people to church but how can we be the church to a hurting world.

In January we went to Houston TX and saw Ecclesia church in action. They are trying to be this type of community. I was impressed how they worked with other churches to raise funds to dig wells in Africa for people to drink instead of us spending an inordinate amount of money on ourselves for things we really don't need. That is part of what it means to do church in a different way. To make a real difference for people who need it.

Help me Lord, to be the kind of pastor who invites people to make a dent in the world's hurting and be your body here on earth. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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