Tuesday, March 27, 2007

San Jose Trip, Faith, and San Francisco

We are back from our great trip to San Jose and San Francisco last weekend. Kate, Pierson, and I went to a conference on the Organic Church. It lasted from Friday to Sunday. I will report more on that later. We left a day early to get to San Jose because we wanted to be fresh for the conference and to spend a day in the city of San Francisco. I always wanted to go and this was my chance. To top it all of, my cousin Faith (seen below) lives in San Jose about 5-10 minutes from where our hotel was. She was kind enough to take off of work and give us a tour of the city.

We went to Sausilto (spelling) for breakfast.
We walked up a hill to see the Golden Gate Bridge. It was gorgeous and huge all at the same time. When we walked up, the fog rolled in so we couldn't even see the bridge. After some touring of the area, we went back where we got this shot. Majestic isn't it.
This is looking out to the Pacific Ocean that leads to the Golden Gate.
After Golden Gate, we went into the heart of the city to see what we could see with the time we had. We ate lunch at a fish place on Fisherman's warf. They are known for their bowls of clam chowder in sourdough bread bowls. After that we strolled around the shopping areas. This was my personal highlight. In fact this reminded me of any large city like New York which has many places to shop.

Kate posed with Madonna for this shot.
Pierson did well on the trip. Flying over and back he slept most of the way (Thank God). He did have trouble like us adjusting to the time. But overall he was his happy Pierson self. I was struck with how many people talked to us because we were related to him. He is a people magnet.We rode a cable car up through the city. For me this was my true highlight. We went up the hill from the Harbor. It was quite a ride. We overlooked the harbor and Alcatraz. It was like right out of a movie. It was worth every penny.

Faith and I hanging out the cable car.
This is a great picture. We really did have a good time. We were exhausted and still are adjusting to the time change but it was a great trip personally and spiritually.


Catherine said...

Dear Kate and Scott,
I've been reading your blog faithfully all year and this post is one of my favorites so far. I love seeing the both of you in the pictures and the obvious joy on your faces. San Fran looks beautiful and I can tell you had a wonderful time! I'm so glad for all of the opportunities and experiences you've had this year and I can't wait to hear all about Korea.
I love that you got to spend time learning about Neil Cole. I was 1st introduced to him 7 yrs. ago when we 1st started Genesis. All of the small group leaders read his book (can't remember the name) and we based our entire small group experience off of it. We called them Life Transformation Groups or LTG's back then. I think the model is a beautiful one and so important. I've watched it work over and over where our groups and leaders have multiplied and grown. I've taught the model to so many leaders. It's really inspiring.
Eventually, when Drew plants a church, that part of the plan will come to fruition as well.
I'll be thinking of you both! Lots of love, Catherine

Seven Layers said...

Thanks Catherine,

I am excited about these LTG's. In my next church, I am going to implement these organically, by inviting other pastors in my region to start these groups. That is my dissertation topic. I am comparing LTG's to another model by Greg Ogden called Discipleship Essentials.

Glad you are enjoying the Blog. I will have pictures when I come back. Check out the other blogs of my classmates for some video and pictures.